Plain and Simple. I adore this stuff. I use to be addicted to the Geranium scent but this blows it out of the water. I'm a fanatical countertop cleaner. I also use their toilet bowl cleaner and liquid hand soap in my powder room. Kind of spendy but make great gifts. I've given and received them. Great products - great smell!
Hey, if you haven't voted for a baby name yet - go to the next post and leave a comment. We'd love to hear from you!
Granddaughter refers to me as "Mrs Clean" and did so way before the real one came on the scene! I have eased off a bit now, perhaps those products with the therapeutic slant might be fun to use. Did I say "fun"! Ha! ha!
The Geranium scent is lovely, but I love the pure lavender products we get from the farmers markets. Wherever there is organic produce, I head for the lavender soaps and liquid hand washes. Kind of spendy is right, but well worth it with the products you've mentioned. Thank you Jeanette for your lovely comment on my blog and glad I was in time here to make a contribution to the baby name in your previous post.
Tee Hee - the things I clean with Mrs. Meyers are neither counters, nor toilets, nor hands - but, they are two of the cutest bums I have ever seen though! We use her baby bubble bath - and my munchkins LOVE it - tons of tear free , wonderful smelling bubbles - perfect for beards and Afros etc. Now, I find that I get to clean all sorts of stuff with Mrs. Meyers - how wonderful!
I think if I could smell basil when I am supposed to be cleaning I would get hungry.
Haven't heard of the Basil scent...I'll have to pick some of that up. We are addicted to the Geranium scent for all kinds of cleaning products.
The wonderfully fanatic woman I babysit for, Crazy Julie, uses this stuff exclusively. Unfortunately it now reminds me of lunacy. I might resent it if it didn't smell so good...
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