
the scorpion king...

or perhaps, the queen.  I don't know.  How can you tell?  LOOK AT THIS BABY!  He was ON MY ARM WHEN I WOKE UP THIS MORING!  I may have broken the sound barrier with the screams.  I KNOW I at least ruptured Andrew Henry's eardrums. 

Okay, okay, not really. This is my April Fool's joke for you today. I am usually at the top of my game on this day. AH and the daughter start preparing themselves days in advance. I've pulled some good ones in the past but not this year. This year, I'm too tired and too busy, so this is all I had in me.  Did I get you?

The real story of this Scorpion is AH found him on the floor of our garage last weekend - under the door (that's how he/she got squished). Now, I feel guilty if I kill a fly, but truth be told, I'm glad this one was already flat as a pancake.

Yuck.  Happy April Fool's Day!  Are you planning anything????

I've got a non-prank post coming up shortly - we're taking a great hike!


Maria said...

I am with you - glad it is flat!
All God's creatures great and small - but I don't always understand the reasons for all of them. No pranks planned for today - though I am sure something will pop up as we go along. Funny though, I always remember that this the birthday of an old boyfriend. But, when you date a twin, and their birthday is April Fool's Day - well - it kinda sticks!
Enjoy that hike! (I am sure it is camera in hand!)

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Oh Maria, how funny. I also know someone who has a birthday today. Happy Birthday Wendi!

KR said...

Yes, you got me!
I swat flies, that's about it, anything else has to be relocated!
Must put on my thinking cap for an April Fool's joke! Thanks for the reminder.

MJM said...

I was totally prepared for a good one from you... And you got me with this one. I was all stressed out about coming home to sleep in my own bed with one of these!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Great! I didn't think I was going to fool anyone. Lovin' it.

Beatnheart said...

Got me!!! Shivers all over...I forgot about April Fools Day...maybe I'll stay in... Gosh look at that bizarre tail...yikes..

Full House said...

Yes you got me because I really did wake up to a scorpion on my arm a few years back...don't worry he didn't sting me too hard:-)

The joys of creepy crawlys here in AZ.

I hope you have a Happy first day of April..and that aint no joke:-)

Henley said...

It's official. I am NEVER coming to Arizona. Yikes! You got me too. I'll be back later to take a hike with you, does that count as my exercise for the day?

Andrew H. said...

When you get into the Pagoda project more you'll have to include the photo of the critter that was crawling on me one morning...

sunshine said...

Great pics of a beautiful area! Love the sun 'halo' around the cactus. Congrats on going so far up the mountain, views are spectacular. I didn't do any April Fool's jokes, forgot!

Laura said...

That is a GREAT April's Fool joke. you got me! :-)

Unknown said...

i'm sorry to say you didn't get me! this guy (or girl) looked a little too flat and crunchy for a "post jeanette" wake up greeting (o:

i know my scorpions!! that's definitely one thing i don't miss about home...

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Hi Tais, so happy to have you by for a visit! Is it cold over there in Austria? It's gorgeous here today, sorry can't come home until July.