
four lovely women...

As usual, my four favorite women send us a snapshot from their little corner of the world. I love seeing what they've been up to.

Let's all have a great week!
Seattle - daughter.

Arizona - mother.

California - friend.

Florida - cousin.

Be sure to check back in just a little bit for my first ever - giveaway!


KR said...

Quite a variety this week. Are those lollipops in California? Ahh! the beach, the beach!

Henley said...

Cheese and candy. That sounds like dinner and dessert to me.

Maria said...

C'mon down kroney! The water and weather are grand! I HAVE to say that the other three pix are taken right out of the Dynamic Duo's book of all time favorites!! Cheese is a staple in our family - has earned its very own food grouping and is paired with most anything as a snack! There is a place here called "The Cheese Wheel" - we are dying to check it out! As I've mentioned before - we are HUGE baseball fans - equally divided in support for the Braves, Rockies and Marlins and Devil Rays! And, if a new food group were to be invented, Sir Declan would create one called "Howee Pops" (pronounced like Lolli - but he's 2 and the L sound just isn't there yet). The two of them (and Mom) would be mad for that wagon of sugar! Just looking at all the colors is magical! Love the photos - thanks ladies!

MJM said...

That little puppy is adorable, but I love the colors in the lollipops!

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Oooh - cheese. Yummy, yummy cheese. I'm so hungry, I can't wait for lunch and now you're taunting me with cheese?

How cruel.

p.s.~ Word Verification is "chellar" which made me laugh hysterically b/c it's similar to cheddar. Get it? Well, I think it's funny!

MaiPie said...

Wonderful photos this week! I'm hungry and wanting to go to the beach now!

Maris (In Good Taste) said...

What a nice post! Beautiful photos, I especially love the shots of the cheese - how can you not love cheese :)