
just wondering...

What does it say about me that I wouldn't eat this carrot?  I wouldn't even chop it up and throw it in the soup I was making.  There was just something about it that was so.........wrong.  This is coming from a person who feels bad when I put a piece of fruit back at the store because it was bruised.  I kind of feel bad for the fruit.  I wish I were kidding.  Even this carrot.  I wanted it to know it wasn't a bad carrot, it was still wanted - just not by me.  It was wanted by him...

and he appeared to enjoy it very much.

Would you eat it?  Is it just me?


Claire Kiefer said...

Ooooh! That carrot has a single fang! Would have made me pause as well. :)

Maria said...

If it were organic - no problem.
If not...I too would pause and wonder...why, why is it a mutant???

Good boy, Jake!

D&D said...

i'd would have eaten that only if i pulled it up from the ground myself and knew it was safe! ha!

RockinJ9designs said...

No, I'd give it to my kids and they would make it into a mermaid. It looks just like the bottom of one. I did'nt even need to see it through their eyes. I recognized it and immediately knew my kids would have a field day with it.

Beatnheart said...

Your wacky!! shows your sensitivity...

MaiPie said...

I would probably chop off the weird part and then proceed to eat it.

MJM said...

No, I would not have eaten this carrot, but I would have just cut off the weird part to put it in soup. But I am sure Jake was grateful.

Anonymous said...

I plant a very large organic garden every year. Wonky looking veggies happen all the time - but oh everything tastes so good!
A wonky organic carrot would have happily given its little veggie life to be part of your salad.
