I've implemented a new policy. I'm getting a few healthy nibbles out in the morning and setting them on the counter. If I don't have time to make lunch - no problem, there are some healthy options already right there on the counter.
This snack plate was from a day I had a good breakfast - I knew I wouldn't be needing much. Most days I do have a good breakfast. It is my favorite meal after all. On those other days, the rare ones when I don't eat breakfast or I think I might not be getting to dinner, my plate looks a little more like this...
Oh was that cheese divine. We'll cover my love of cheese some other time. This is about setting out some snacks for yourself (or packing some to go), first thing in the morning. It's working out fairly well for me. I'm passing the idea on - just in case you've got a few plates up in the air as well.
You know what else is a little timesaver for me? When I get home from the grocery store, I chop up the green onions before I put them in the fridge. It takes about the same time to chop up the whole bunch as it does one, so why not do them all at once? Then, whenever you need a little flavor for your scrambled eggs, or some crunchy goodness in your salad, just open up your fridge and they are ready to go!
You know what else is a little timesaver for me? When I get home from the grocery store, I chop up the green onions before I put them in the fridge. It takes about the same time to chop up the whole bunch as it does one, so why not do them all at once? Then, whenever you need a little flavor for your scrambled eggs, or some crunchy goodness in your salad, just open up your fridge and they are ready to go!
What's your favorite "go to" snack or timesaver tip?
Yum! All of these look awesome to me! I too love fruits (dried and fresh) in tandem with nuts over every variety! I also have a love of good cheeses, though I have trained myself to replace that desire with a serious yogurt habit. Stonyfield's chocolate underground being my FAVORITE snack! And we are all familiar with my nut butter habit - have jar and spoon - will travel!
Thanks for the onion tip - filed into the memory bank already. We do a similar thing with organic yogurt tubes - half in the fridge for breakfasts - half in the freezer for yummy frozen snacks.
Whoops! That last post was from me - again - mistakenly logged in as my hubby (not paying attention - munchkins abound!)
fine lookin pics bud..!
Good idea! I've been trying to snack regularly because my blood sugar drops and I get all crazy! I like low-fat peanut butter on rice cakes for a snack, I actually think you lose more weight if you eat regularly!
Little and often seems to be my motto for food, so can relate to your healthy snacks. Tasmania must rate amongst the best places in the world for cheeses.On a trip there we unintentionally came across a cheese factory, one of many in that state of Australia, and then determined the rest of our sightseeing trip on that beautiful Isle to include every possible cheese factory on the island.Heavenly!!Favourite snack at the moment? Seedless grapes.I'm always picking away at a bunch!
I had no idea about the cheese over there! I would love to have been on that vacation with you!
Every day of high school I ate toast w/ cream cheese on the way to school. Over a paper towel. That allowed us to get there early to get a good parking spot!
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