
the bees knees...

This photo is not here to give evidence of how our hard Phoenix water stains my poor fountain.  No, it is not.  This photo is a snapshot of our newest pets.  We have bees. 

For weeks now, there have been bands of bees drinking from our fountain.  Look at them over there.  That's just one little snippet of them.  Can you have a "snippet" of bees? 

From whence they come I do not know.  I watch them fly away out of my backyard, each one takes the exact same path, and then comes back again.  ALL. DAY. LONG.

In my infinite guessing wisdom, I've decided they must be building a hive somewhere and this obviously requires copious amounts of water.  I have never built a beehive so I don't know for sure, but when Andrew Henry was building this house, he required lots of water so it's a logical conclusion no?  It's also very hot in Phoenix, so there's that.

There are always, at the very least, 30-40 bees swarming and drinking and flying to and fro, every single day.  My dog, Jake, goes out and drinks from this fountain daily.  Yes, he has fresh clean water inside, but he prefers the fountain.  I do not understand all of the things of the dog.  The bees don't mind sharing with him and he doesn't seem bothererd with them either.

We're kind of obsessed with it.  We just stand here watching them in awe.  Bees are good and we feel our little fountain is helping our bee population somehow.  We need bees.  Bees are the bees knees.  Bees give us honey and flowers and Burt's Bees give us great lip balm, wait, that's not right....

"Bees work for man, and yet they never bruise Their Master's flower, but leave it having done, As fair as ever and as fit to use; So both the flower doth stay and honey run. " - George Herbert

Here's my question - what's you favorite way to eat honey?


Cashon&Co said...

laughing, YES, we need Burt's Bees!! and honey too I guess. I like honey best on hot biscuits and with fried chicken. I don't like clover honey however. I used to eat peanutbutter honey sandwiches as a kid.
I hope you don't get stung. bee careful!!

Claire Kiefer said...

but the bees are just outside, right?! Thank goodness you don't have an indoor infestation--that would be terrifying!

Maria said...

Love bees! We have HUGE Bumble bees here. They stand guard at various posts around the playground - protecting some hidden perimeter, no doubt, of a nearby hive. They NEVER bother the children, and in fact, chase away any other flying, stinging type nuisances (wasps, etc). We rather love our fuzzy bumbles. We call them our guardian bees. As for their sweet gift, drizzled over some sort of fabulous, warm bread!

MJM said...

I never used to like honey but now I like it with cheese... Very strange I know.

Jillian said...

Your take on nature is beautiful. I see a bee and I run screaming.

I love a spoonfull of honey in Chamomile tea right before bed,mmmm.

sarah said...

honey honey honey! honey is the definition of everything good! two comments on this situation....maybe call an exterminator just to make sure they are not building in your attic! and the secret life of bees in one of the best books ever! bees always make me think of secrets now! one last yummy thought, whipped honey on english muffins is the best, hold the tang...... (:

Andrew H. said...

Those are busy little bees indeed.

I like honey is best on a sopapilla. MMMMmmmmm.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I'd love honey in my tea. Have a happy happy week, Jeanette! XXX xxx XXX

Unknown said...

beees scare me xxx

Brandywine said...

I love the bees. I am very grateful they do their magic in my garden. Thanks for not killing the bees - we really need every single one of them.

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Ah, I don't eat honey. And I have roses outside my front door so I have to walk through bees every single day. I'm not a huge fan.

Silver Strands said...

LOVE the morphing to Bert's Bees!

MaiPie said...

We have a similar bee problem at my parents house. Whenever it rains the pool cover gets puddles on top of it, and bees frequently visit the puddles until they are dried up. After that, I have no idea where they get water (cuz you know, it doesn't rain in Phoenix). Also, our silly dog tries to eat them...

I love honey with yogurt! Or, PB and Honey sandwich.

KR said...

I love when my outdoor plants are blossoming and I hear the somewhat constant hum of bees, one of nature's gifts. I especially love to see them all over my pyracantha blossoms, it means a wonderful bounty of berries for the deer, javelina and birds in the winter.
Yes Sarah, "the Secret Life Of Bees" is a wonderful story.