
friday photo...

Back to our Friday photo fun - can you guess where this was taken?


OneCraftyFox said...

I want to say Italy or Greece, but the answer is probably somewhere like Texas, lol.

Happy weekend, sweets!

Henley said...

I have no guess whatsoever and all I can think about is the fact you took the picture with that little point and shoot. Perhaps I need less of a camera to get better pictures.

Jillian said...

I may be way off but I am going to guess Greece

KR said...

Great pic! It could be anywhere...I'll guess Rome.

Maria said...

Prague? or maybe Seattle (LOL) I'm all over the board!

Anonymous said...

hmmm... no idea! fun game though! xo

MJM said...

I have no idea! I'm going to go with Prague?

RockinJ9designs said...

Don't have a clue (I think it's a trick question). Like AH was holding the picture and you were lying on the floor looking up at it and snapped a shot. Am I right Huh Huh Huh?

D&D said...

i am so bad at this....madrid?

Anonymous said...

over seas?

jeanette from everton terrace said...

You guys are so fun. No rockinJ9design - we did not do something tricky. Real statue - real photo.
I'll post the answer a bit later - enjoying all the guesses!

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

No idea so no guess, but it is a gorgeous photo! Have a great weekend, jeanette!

KC said...

I KNOW!!!! I won't say because I don't want to ruin it for anyone but I can't believe I know one for once. Hint: I only know it because it's in the US (I've never been overseas)!!!

Andrea said...


pamela said...

i would have also guessed greece. in front of the bakery you loved so much.