
giveaway winner...

It was fun to read what everyone would like to buy.  I have no idea what I would purchase - so darn much to choose from.  Thank you to everyone who entered and a BIG thank you to CSN for sponsoring.  Our winner is #6!

Congratulations to the lovely Willow.  Please send me your email address - jeanette(at)evertonterrace.com  - and your gift certificate will be on its way.  Happy Shopping.

Side note: the first number I drew was #20 which was Andrew Henry!  I kid you not, but I'm not letting my husband win my own giveaway so I drew another number.  Just thought that was funny.


Maria said...

Congrats to Willow - one of our long time friends! Let us know what you buy!!!

KR said...

Congrats to Willow. Enjoy your shopping!

Blair McLeod said...

congrats to winner! fun giveaway -- sorry i missed it.

thanks for stopping by my blog. im enjoying yours!

Unknown said...

Congrats to Willow! That's funny about Andrew Henry, Mr. Deer gets so excited when I win a giveaway! XX!

MJM said...

I'm jealous! Congrats Willow. :)

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh, wow-eee!!! Thank you so much!! It's my lucky day...must be the full moon. :D

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Congrats to Willow. Love the colorful balloons. I find many occasions to celebrate with balloons, lots of balloons!! Not only children like those ;)

Have a sweet Tuesday, Jeanette. xxxx

Jillian said...

Happy Tuesday Jeanette. Sorry to the hubs lol