If you read my post yesterday you already know about my love of finding shells on the beach. I love it so much I made these little charm necklaces with sterling silver sand dollars when I got home to commemorate our trip.
I'm giving one away. You don't have to be a follower, blog or tweet anything (though please feel free if you are so inclined) just leave a comment on this post answering the question - do you remember your dreams?
Winner will be announced next week - good luck everybody!
Oh wow, what a wonderfully creative person you are!
I do remember my dreams and Cpt. V and I often recall them to each other.
Some dreams are recurring and reach through the years others are so vivid that I have to wake myself up.
It will be interesting to return to this post to read the responses of others on this interesting topic.
Felicity x
it's so very cute :) I remember them sometimes and sometimes not! maybe i go through phases..
Please don't include me in the draw, it wouldn't be fair. But just had to say what a clever woman you are with your jewellary design. This is another lovely piece.
Its a beautiful necklace..I dont dream often but when I do, I just remember the feeling but not the details...Hmm:)
Hugs and kisses, sweetie
Have a great Thursday
Beautiful piece. Everyone MUST have dreams.
Not only do I remember my dreams, I pull them out and play with them a lot - actively and prayerfully updating and fine tuning them hoping that when those dreams are finally achieved I find that I am who and where I was purposed to be.
I would love to be included. Logan is standing here and she said, "Oh, I would LOVE that!!"
Nothing happens unless first we dream - can't remember who said that quote, but it stuck with me.
Love the necklace! I am exempt from winning.
I dream every night! Years ago a friend of mine after hearng me recall some of my dreams told me I should be writing them down! The morning after I can recall every detail of my dreams, much to the chagrin of some family members. :) For years all of my dreams took place where I grew up (recurring ones too). It was many years before I had a dream which took place in this country.
How perfect to pair dream with a lovely shell :) I go through phases of remembering dreams clear as day, then a phase of remembering nothing (but still aware I dreamed)...I find it rather fascinating, actually.
(Btw, haha, I'm sure your daughter would've loved that dinner party full of professors!)
Oh this is lovely my sweet friend...please enter me!
I do remember my dreams...in fact just last night I had one!
Hugs and love.
Dreams as in goals for the future or dreams as in nightly dreams. The first, yes, the second, it depends on how vivid the dream was.
I do indeed. But sometimes I'll only remember a small detail or impression or feeling. Then I spend the rest of the day making myself crazy trying to remember the rest. Last night I dreamed about the princess dress I got Abby for Christmas. I've got Christmas on the brain. :) what a lovely necklace! Love sand dollars. Well done. :)
so very pretty! i am not needing another... i wanted to comment on the dream convo though...
of course i remember my dreams... i actually own more than one dream dictionary... and i use them... i have had friends call to have me interpret theirs... what ever God or Goddess you believe in... the universe speaks to you in your dreams! happy thursday! blessings...s...
Have you tried using a real sand dollar in a necklace. I bet it would look great against the copper. I love the one you are giving away.
Love the necklace... and the french toast from some time ago...
With the price of silver, I'd like to find silver sand dollars like this on the beach! :-)
lovely! really sweet necklace.
you are so generous on your blog.
tis the season. :)
how sweet!
i often remember my dreams...and they always end with me trying to get home!
I love to dream when I’m awake and when I’m sleeping. I often thought, wouldn’t it be lovely when we sleep that our dreams take us to the places we want to see, doing the things we “dream” about in our waking state. Some of my dreams are so frightening that I wake with a start...others reoccuring weird ones...
so funny how posts intertwine sometimes! it must be something in the air :)
but as you know, i remember my dreams...most of the time. especially when they're vivid or scary or outright weird.
<3, brooke
I dream - but they only happen after about 4:00 a.m.
A friend of mine told me that she only dreams in words - weird.
This is so gorgeous!! I always dreamed of becoming an Olympic horseback rider. I used to compete all the way into National and am a Nationally certified coach as well. But my mare and I both retired from showing ages ago.
So sorry to have been in and out of the blog world lately. I will catch up... maybe not so soon... but eventually, lol!!
Hope you are having an amazing start to the holiday season.
Sometimes my dreams are so vivid in my memory, that i can't determine if they were real or not:-). Other times, i can't remember a single thing... I knew the necklace you created would have been beautiful and you certainly didn't disappoint. Fingers crossed that i win! XX
what a gorgeous necklace - fingers crossed!!
I do remember some dreams - but do you ever wake up during the night from a dream and then fall asleep again and continue the same dream? xo
I remember my dreams nearly every night. I tell them to my husband every day and anyone else who is interested or willing to listen. They're so vivid most of the time! What a gorgeous necklace, well done!
I usually do right after I wake up, but when I try to remember later in the day I can't
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