
andrew henry's world...

This is a glimpse into the past week as seen through the eyes of my husband, Andrew Henry.

"We try to stay away from pre-packaged and processed foods so this is not something you normally see in our freezer but Jeanette has been out of town for 4 days and I hate cooking.  As a metter of fact, I'd rather clean a toilet than cook a meal.  I am very glad she'll be home today."


Anonymous said...

Oh, this is too cute! The poor guy is starving to death... ha ha! My hubby loves his home cooked meals. He is so easy to please just plop a dinner in front of him and he lights up. xo

Jillian said...

mmmm now I am hungry.

Happy Monday!

ag. said...

How adorable! What a cute glimpse into his world! :)

angryparsnip said...

Thank Goodness for Trader Joe's When it get hot in Tucson my freezer look like this too ! Too hot to cook.

cheers, parsnip

Maria said...

Hang in there AH - the cavalry is coming!

French Basketeer.com said...

Nothing wrong with TJ's, but he surely appreciated a home-cooked meal when you arrived home!

audrey marie said...

haha love this- ive been traveling so much and realized we hadn't been to the grocery store in 3 weeks. my bf doesn't go without me!

quintessence said...

Too cute!! Jeanette - nice to know you are truly appreciated!!

pamela said...

I agree, thank goodness for trader joes! i usually start there no matter what i cook.

bronwyn said...

This made me laugh! I hope AH is enjoying some tasty home cooked meals now. :)