
vintage finds wednesday...

While I was in Coronado I took a few trips to the San Diego Swap Meet/Flea Market.  I dragged poor Andrew Henry there 3-4 times and found the California prices much higher than Arizona prices (no wonder CA dealers are some of my best customers) but I was still lucky enough to dig up a few treasures for my shops.

Here are just a few nuggets we came home with.  This gorgeous vintage hand tooled leather handbag...

this wonderful WWII canteen...

and these fabulous Mid Century Bookends...

are some of the pretties for my Maude and Lola shop but don't think I didn't garner some trinkets for my  Everton Terrace shop as well!

Some great bracelets...

That's not all but I think you get the idea - it was a good couple of days at the market :)


MJM said...

I recognize your model! Those bookends are awesome.

Anonymous said...

I love that leather handbag... gorgeous! I find the prices in CA to be higher for everything. I haven't made it to San Diego yet, but it's on my list! xo

bronwyn said...

All good finds. Yes, everything is expensive in California, some areas (mine!) more than others. You should see the thrift stores here.

Mug said...

Mmmm...Love the wrap-around rose bracelet and the one of rows of gold-ish coils below it:)

What fun it must be to shop for your "shops"!:)

Andrew H. said...

Nothing like the flea market! :-)

Sometimes it's fun just to see the different people that show up.

As usual, my wife is able to find the diamonds in the ruff.

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

love the Buddha bracelet.

angryparsnip said...

I can't even tell you how many Hand Tooled leather bags I had over the years when I lived in Tucson growing up. Everyone had on that looked just like the one you posted !

Fabulous finds.

cheers, parsnip

Maria said...

the canteen is my fave!

jandjhome said...

What great finds. I love finding jewelry pieces that are different.

Pamela said...

Fabulous finds! Wanna see that purse and those bookends are adorable!