
a little help from your friends...

A large portion of my job revolves around research.  Recently I've hit a snag and could use a little help.  I'm trying to figure out the signature on two prints.  I thought perhaps someone out there might be able to decipher this puzzle for me.

Give it your best shot.  These two prints are almost the same and appear to be by the same artist.  You can click on each one to enlarge it and get a better look. 

Just put any and all names you come up in your comment.  I'm grateful for any lead - THANKS!


Felicity said...

I've sat looking at them for ages and am more perplexed than when I first started - sorry J, will be coming back to find out if someone clever can illuminate all of us on this mystery.

xx Felicity

Maria said...

1st one looks like the first two words say Amy Ronlindsey - but can't figure the other word unless it is a month or a name or the place. The second signature looks very different from the first to me.

Found an artist, Ron Lindsey - but it doesn't seem to fit.

Will keep looking at it on and off and see what I see that's new.

What fun! A puzzle to solve!

Decor To Adore said...

Hmmmm. Wish I were more help.

Fingers crossed for you.

lisaroy said...

hmmm... I'm at a loss - they almost don't look like the same person could have signed them

KR said...

The first word on the first picture looks like the word 'Orig'. The 2 signatures don't look like they match. I shall study them thoughout the day and see if I can come up with something

Maria said...

me again - OK second one looks like the second word is a name pushed together - Ken Germy or Geriny or something like that... I know - not much help - but I do keep looking

French Basketeer.com said...

Hmmm this is a stumper, and I usually am better at this! I think the first one is definitely Orig. for Original. Starting with what I thought was a Q but more likely an O. I see Oonlidery. And the last word on each is the same and I would say is the place they were done, which looks very much like Grou to me though possibly Gros. The second one looks different to me....I see J. Kendermery Grou. I don't know if that helps....

pamela said...

I am just laughing because I honestly can't tell!

Unknown said...

How do you even start?! I'm sorry I can't be of help but that does not look decipherable!

Bel said...

Yikes!!! I wish I could help but I'm as confused as almost everyone else around here.

Belly B :)

S and O said...

Whoa, I haven't the foggiest idea :(
Good luck I hope you figure it out ^_^

quintessence said...

Jeanette, while certainly similar, these signatures don't look the same to me, although they both seem to end in "ung"

MaiPie said...

I feel the same as Felicity. The more I analyzed the letters the more jumbled they seemed to get. Here's what I came up with (even though they don't seem to make sense):

Orig. Qonlieruy
J. KenNeruny