
i had to have it...

The weekend before Thanksgiving we stopped into the last day of an estate sale when everything was 50% off.  I saw this little cutie in the backyard and had to have it.  Andrew Henry wasn't so sure but I convinced him...

Do you know what it is?  If you guessed a portable ice chest from the early 1950s then you are right!  I knew it would be perfect to keep drinks outside for parties (this is our best weather after all).  It is hinged in the middle and opens on either side...

I suppose you are thinking it's a little worse for wear - it was.  The front and wheels were rusty and the paint was very faded but I'm married to a revamp genius.  I requested a bold pop of mod yellow to jazz her up and he cleaned, sanded and painted her right into a new life...

Look how like new the inside still is...

It even has a little bottle opener and catch tray on the front...

We filled it up for Thanksgiving, it was a big hit.  There was still some ice and cold drinks left in it on Sunday - works great and for $7.50 and a can of spray paint I'd say we hit one out of the park!


Felicity said...

Fab-u-lous! I've never seen such a cool thing and the zesty new coat of paint is perfect.

Happy day!

Maria said...

How AWESOME is that! What kind of paint did AH use??? When we get our forever home - I SO want one of these!!!

And never mind that you can't even buy one of those plastic. ugly, modern coolers with wheels for what you paid! Hooray!

Declan LOVES that it is yellow - it is his fave color after all!

MJM said...

So adorable!

angryparsnip said...

Quite Fabulous.
I too would have bought it.
I love the sunny bright color but my color choice would have to be lime green, my barbecue is that color too! I know I know I know I am so weird !
By the way I love the rocks between the cement patio and the wall.... perfect !

You both make a great team !
cheers, parsnip

Andrew H. said...

As usual, it was Jeanette's eye that picked out the cool piece. It took me a while before I realized how cool this thing looked!

Stitchfork said...

Would love to have one of those! Cheers!
xo Cathy

Jillian said...

you always come across the greatest treasures!

Anna@Directions Not Included said...

I love it! The color and the refinishing are amazing. I wish I could score something like that around here.

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Yes, great great find. Love the yellow - its just perfect!

La Dolfina said...

Jeanette, it is fabulous!!!
Great score, you make me proud!
The yellow is amazing.

Alexa said...

Stop it. This is amazing. Love the yellow color you chose.

Kristin H said...

I think it is a fantastic buy!! HOW COOL!!

Unknown said...

It's so awesome! What a perfect find!!

Anonymous said...

Great find!

Anonymous said...

Very cool! Love the yellow. xo

koralee said...

Oh yes...I could not pass up this little cutie either. Hugs

Julie of Monkey Grass Hill said...

You did hit it out of the park! I would have brought that baby home too. Your hubs did a great job on it, looks brand new.

Diana Mieczan said...

Oh my goodness, what a gem! I love the new colour...Totally brilliant. xo