

I have mentioned before that I majored in Photography in college.  My main interest has always been portraits.  Architecture would be my second choice of subject matter after people.  I have very little interest in shooting still life, action or landscape photos.  I had a professor who told me I somehow managed to turn every assignment into a portrait.  The portraits were usually of my daughter because, quite frankly, she was always with me - free model!  Also, she was adorable.  I mean seriously...

Sometimes, I see a person and know exactly how I would photograph them, though I haven't done so in eons.  That was a lifetime ago.  That little girl will soon be 26 and I haven't shot a portrait in years.  I do still love to look at them though.  This is why I was thrilled when my mother brought me this present home from her recent trek up to Seattle to visit my little girl.

This is a different kind of book for the master and insightful photographer Annie Leibovitz.  The book is full of portraits but not of people.  Stunning images of things and places are used to give the reader insight into many historical people.  There is a photograph of Emily Dickinson's dress that I love.  I am getting history lessons as well as enjoying the moving images.  I'm reading the book slowly, which is new for me.  A few weeks in and I'm only on page 37 but I'm so enjoying it.  

I've been thinking about what objects or places I would shoot as a "portrait" of the people I love.  I first thought I would shoot books for my daughter and tools for my husband but those things seem so obvious.  I don't know now, I want to reach a little deeper.  Anyone could show those things to represent them, it's what they love to do.  That is what this book is doing, inspiring me, teaching me and making me think a little harder, all the while entertaining me with lovely images.  

What item would you photograph for your portrait?  Something that would give people a little closer glimpse into what makes you tick.


Felicity said...

What a fabulous gift!

One object is such a tricky question......I think my glass bowl of feathers and stones.

On that note, I saw a little feather fall from the sky today and of course sent a little blessing your way - imagine my surprise when it wasn't actually white but white with a green and yellow trim - happy day!

PS: The portrait of your daughter is truly special

Anonymous said...

LOVE that portrait of your daughter! Adorable. How nice that your Mom picked you up such a meaningful gift. xo

MJM said...

I'm so glad you're enjoying the book! I'd have to think for awhile about what I would choose to photograph for the people in my life...

Nicole said...

I would so LOVE to major in photography for a well I have one BS, I'm working on a second so let's call it my 3rd :)

KR said...

M told me you would like to have the book, so glad it is inspiring you.
I was thinking of things that I would photograph for the people in my life and thinking of all kinds of things I would photograph for you, AH and M. Foremost "Love" springs to mind, however not sure how to photograph that.

Maria said...

Isn't it funny how much easier it is for me to think of what I would photograph to represent others, and yet have no clue about how I would do that for myself. Very telling that is, maybe.

Stitchfork said...

You are one very talented photographer Jeanette! And that is one tough question that I will have to think on...
xo Cathy

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

thinking harder is a great feeling- I love it.

Andrew H. said...

Probably my toolbelt or workbench. However, both are so neglected right now I wouldn't want anyone shooting them.

Julie of Monkey Grass Hill said...

it's a thought provoking question and I don't know. I'll have to give it some thought.

The portrait of your daughter is fantastic. You are so talented.

Stacey said...

you're quite a talent too if i say so myself! i adore that photo of your daughter. it's so nice to be able to stop by... XX

Punctuation Mark said...

i was just talking to my sister about this because Annie L is going to be at the Portrait Museum in DC lecturing about the book... and my sis is going!!!

Beatnheart said...

shhh...getting this for my husband(?) for xmas.