
am i a fish...

I wrote about 10 different posts to go with this image and quote but have deleted them all.  All the thoughts went in a million directions, like me lately, they lacked focus.  I wrote about continuing to look for my passion,  about feeling like I'm not really great at anything, good at lots of things, but not great - you know what I mean?

There were some words about enjoying the journey and finding purpose.  A thought about what I'm really doing with this amazing gift of my life and the many blessings I have.  There is a beeper going off in the kitchen telling me something needs my attention and my sweet husband is now home from work, so I'll leave all those jumbled thoughts stewing in my head for another day, perhaps they will sort themselves out by then.

I was wondering though, are you living your passion?  Do you know what it is?  Have you figured out you're a fish yet and given up trying to climb that tree?  I'm not sure I have.


Anonymous said...

I would say I am working on it and feel I am close. We are all works in the making, huh? Sometimes the words flow for me when I'm creating a post and other times they are all jumbled, just like you described. I find it's best to leave it for a later time when I get like that instead of getting frustrated. xo

MJM said...

Oh, I guess we'll see when I finish law school in May...

Diana Mieczan said...

I think, its fair to say that many of us have days when we are not sure if the thing we are doing right now is THE thing but regardless of it, we keep on going to see where it takes us. I like the jurney, it makes me happy. Happy day, my dear. xo

Stitchfork said...

Seems we are thinking some of the same thoughts - just yesterday I told someone that I am a work in progress...
xo Cathy
...and one day hope to share a berry tart with you ;)

KR said...

I love that photo!!
So far I have had many different pursuits, none could be described as a "passion"...I am however thankful to have had such diverse experiences.

Maria said...

I'm borrowing some inspiration here:

I strive to be like the Virtuous Woman of Psalm 31. But while remembering my own shortcomings and the battles I've lost, I think rather than striving for perfection in all things. I'll go for a joyful home, a home where grace dwells, for that is better than an organized one. And I'd rather a clean heart above a clean house.

Life is full of trying! Work! Give! Love! Laugh! But don’t quit!

I will fail. But I will grab hold of grace, and I will get back up again.

Karena said...

Jeanette it seems like a never ending quest!! I am continually questioning...

Please come and join my Valentine Giveaway!

Art by Karena

Jillian said...

oh my goodness! What a beautiful and inspiring quote!

Alexa said...

What a great quote and a reminder for all.

lisaroy said...

I think we all go through days like this. I often have very thoughtful, pondering days where I just wonder where things are headed. I thought I had found my passion with my handbags, until we ended up in Dubai and so many factors have put that on a shelf for now. I think, until I can finally settle down, I'll be in limbo for awhile.