
she read, she saw...

This is my weekly Friday feature. I send my daughter, who is finishing up her third year of law school in Seattle, WA, a photograph I took and she picks a quote to go with it.  So the image is something I photographed that touched me and the words are something she read that touched her. Hopefully, both pieces will be a bit more inspiring as a result.

"We shall have to repent in this generation not so much for the evil deeds of the wicked, but for the appalling silence of the good." 
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Photo info: I took this one 13 years ago in Krakow, Poland.  The light was beautiful that day.


Maria said...

one word comes to mind - powerful.

Privet and Holly said...

How wise MLK was.
I often think of how
different things might
be in our country had
he not been murdered.
Great words to consider,
along with your very
stunning photo, J!

Happy Friday,
xo Suzanne

Stitchfork said...

This match of photo and words really has an impact.
Have a wonderful weekend!
xo Cathy

MJM said...

Happy weekend, everyone!

angryparsnip said...

Indeed a very timely quote with a powerful photo.

cheers, parsnip

About Last Weekend said...

I have just been reading a whole lot of books about photography and this is textbook perfection, the path that leads you in....

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Thanks so much!

bronwyn said...

So beautiful and moody. And a very moving quote.

thistlewoodfarm said...

This is my favorite feature you do. You should make prints with her quote printed on the bottom of your photo. Absolutely beautiful.


Karena said...

I love this post Jeanette! Dr King said so many poignant words in his time.

I have featured an Interview with Tina from The Enchanted Home...


Art by Karena

Style, She Wrote said...

Masterful!Love this idea and her choice of quote. Have a great weekend. xo style, she wrote