My walk to the mailbox last night took a little longer than usual. I was trying to "be present" and it was worth it. The plants in my front yard are putting on quite a show. Come June, they will be withering from the heat and begging for even a drop of water, but for now, walk with me to my mailbox...
Beautiful no? Seriously, all these plants are just in my yard and I don't exactly have a "green thumb" if you know what I mean. What is your favorite time of year where you live?
First - Achoo! :-D Just lovely! Morning Glories, Moon Flowers, etc - some of my favorite - though I am overly partial to Buttercups!
Here in the south of Florida, we are enjoying very much the same types of things as you are. Lovely Bougainvillea, Magnolias, Bottlebrush and Hibiscus are blooming all over my yard, and while me eldest's nose does not appreciate them, we LOVE to look at them (and I love the smell). We too have this lovely respite before the heat and humidity of summer arrive. And though our flowers do not depart with its arrival, but become even more plentiful, our visitors for the north do. Still, THIS is my favorite time of year.
This is definitely my favorite time of year in Arizona. In Seattle, I hear I will love the spring. Here's waiting.
Asolutely beautiful! Your photos are great. Such a lovely walk to your mailbox. Who would have thought the desert could be so bountiful? Spring would also be my favorite time of year in the desert.
Spring it is, but Fall in the desert is a close second due to the fact that the heat is over. However, there is something about the Spring. You can't put in a picture how those citrus blossoms smell!
summers in the northwest, Idaho to be specific. Oh, to be able to go outside first thing in the morn and share a cup (okay-pot) of coffee with my mom. I use to be able to share it with my dad but, he is gone. I miss him. My mom is my cheerleader and I love her dearly. We have the easiest of summers in the land where people still stop to smell the huckleberries...
Sounds really lovely.
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