
i do...

Do you like to go to weddings?  I love the details of a wedding.  I LOVE to plan a party and enjoy seeing how others have planned one.  I'm a little OCD about the whole thing.  Those who know me need not comment on this because I know my obsession all too well. 

I went to a wedding last Friday.  I was invited as a guest of the groom.  The groom is the same age as my daughter - this kind of freaks me out.  Thought you might enjoy seeing just a few snippets from the wedding.

the cake was beautiful...

the groom was waiting for his bride...

the ring bearer was trouble...

the new couple was joyful...

It was a sweet wedding and I enjoyed myself.  I was able to visit with friends and family I haven't seen in a while - that's always the best part isn't it?  I had family there because the groom's mother was my father's cousin.  She passed away on Christmas Day, 2007.  I wept through the ceremony and the young man (looking smart in full military uniform) seemed very uncomfortable sitting there with me. 

He didn't know.  He didn't know the aching I felt at her visible absence.  My tears were for the woman who wasn't there.  She was quite a woman.  She sewed the bridesmaids dresses for my wedding - they were perfect.  She took my daughter to Wisconsin - she loved my daughter.  She made the drapes for my home - they are in my living room.  She baked choclate chip cookies and played music with utter joy.  She gave me her thimble at my wedding and said "I hope your troubles will never be more than will fit in this thimble" - she was THAT kind of woman.  She was my friend.  I treasured her and I miss her.  I know she was there.  I know.


Anonymous said...

It's obvious she treasured you too and I have no doubt she was there.

What ARE you doing up at 4:00 a.m.?

<3 Brandywine

sunshine said...

I hope the young couple will be as fortunate and as happy as you and AH. How nice to be able to have an outdoor wedding in March.
Memories of loved ones can be bittersweet. Since, at the ceremony she was strongly present in your mind I have no doubt she was there!

Andrew H. said...

You summed it up so well in your last paragraph. Very well done. She is missed.

Maria said...

Well, if one must begin their day with tears, at least these are the right kind.

Beatnheart said...

Hi Jeanette, Thanks for your visit..I'm from Sheboygan..don't tell me your dad is from there..Hey, maybe we're related!! Wedding looked fab!! Veggies..
Maybe if you shop a farmers market you can put all the stuff straight away into your carrier bag or basket.. Grow your own chives..that will cut down on the packaging.. Otherwise, lookin good and healthy.. Sometimes i reuse the plastic bags for the produce..Oh they LOVE that one..too bad for them real good for the ocean where all that garbage ends up..

KR said...

Yes, she is missed! She had a good sense of humor and adventure. There was always a welcome in her home. She was an excellent musician and seamstress as well as cook. I loved her ginger cookies.

MJM said...

She was a women well loved and is a woman missed dearly. Oh Aunt Char, without you, I wouldn't know all about life on a Wisconsin dairy farm, I wouldn't eat mayonnaise and I wouldn't have such a special relationship with your dear son.