
how to make a necklace...

Don't forget to enter the giveaway for this necklace.  Thought you might enjoy seeing how it's made.

The ingredients...

We'll need a set of metal stamps

Now, tape it down and start stamping...

Remember to turn it over every few letters and pound it back into shape with the rubber mallet...

Check your spelling (sadly, I say this from experience) and get ready to solder on the sterling silver heart...

Apply the flux stuff, it's like the paste that bonds the two metals together (that's Andrew Henry's hand).  Get the torch and the block out, heat 'er up and be careful...

They will now be scorched, but those cute little hearts are on there for good - gotta remove all that black. 

Dunk them in the pickling solution you have sitting in a crock pot on your kitchen counter.  No big deal, it's just acid stuff.  I think it's dangerous and possibly not supposed to be sitting on the counter next to your bananas.  I hardly ever read instructions so I'm not sure, so it is indeed, on the counter next to the bananas.  It does clean those babies off nicely though...

Isn't that amazing - think it would work on my skin????  Joke, seriously, that was kind of a joke.  Punch the hole in the top...

Now, believe it or not, we have to put some black back on there.  We want to oxidize this metal so the indentions in the letters will turn black and provide a nice contrast.  For this, we get out the foul smelling liver of sulpher and mix up some solution.  It REALLY stinks.  Also doing this in my kitchen.  I think it's toxic (I should know that don't you think - but I don't) so don't breathe in while we do this part.  Oh, and put on your gloves...

That one is nicely oxidized but here we go again with the black.  This is the part I don't like so much.  It's messy and my arm gets tired if I'm doing a big batch.  Time for the steel wool scrubbing.  I do that on this tray, look at the mess...ugh.

but look how pretty it's getting...

Just finish up the scrubbing, polish it on the buffer wheel and attach the chain and little copper bling and you have a necklace to give away...



Claire Kiefer said...

It really was so cool seeing that process! I love the necklace SO much, and I love the process of how you make them. Thanks for sharing!

Maria said...

Wow! I feel like I've put in a full days work and gotten my workout finished already! Thanks for sharing the mystery behind the magic!

kirsten said...

That is seriously the coolest process! You have no idea how much I wish we were neighbors. I've always wanted to get to know a girl with a torch!


jeanette from everton terrace said...

It's a creme brulee torch! I should have mentioned that. When I saw the "professional" thing they sold at the jewelry supply house, I thought "I happen to have one just like that already" - has worked perfectly all this time.

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Wow, I had no idea so much effort went into that necklace - it was awesome being able to see the process, thanks!

RockinJ9designs said...

Don't remind me. It's so nice to be caught up! What an awesome way to show personalized expressions of gratitude and to be able to put a smile on an unknown persons face. That's the best reward of all. You create beautiful stuff!

MJM said...

That was one of my favorite posts ever.

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

That is so cool- Thanks so much for sharing your whole process.
I really enjoyed that glimps into your craft!

Unknown said...

That was so cool, Jeanette! I seriously have no idea how things get made, this was super enlightening, and I now want to win that necklace more than ever (and if I win, I will appreciate it even more, knowing all the hard work that has gone into it!)

MaiPie said...

That's quite the process for an itty bitty necklace! Looks wonderful!

Cashon&Co said...

i used to be a metalsmith major in college and this brought back memories. I LOVE the finished product! fantastic!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

VERY COOL - do you still metalsmith? I would be interested in learning more. Have considered classes, we are self taught over here. Trial and error.

D&D said...

AMAZING! i wish i was as talented as you.

Beatnheart said...

I really need to show every one I know how I change the world and this will help me to do so...Thanks for the tut...You got some awesome stuff going on over at the Pagoda...and now I’m reading its a creme brulee torch I’m not feeling so stressed...what about the buffing wheel...that sounds serious..

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Oh my, Jeanette, quite a work! Stamped by hand, letter by letter. Totally hand made, that makes it so much more special. A gorgeous artwork to cherish for ever. You keep being so creative, your pieces are awesome. Happy Necklaces making! xx

KR said...

Wow! I'm with Maria, it's exhausting just reading and looking at the pictures! Your jewelry is so beautiful, your prices great! I hope you get lots and lots of new followers!

Henley said...

You have a giveaway, what, where? I've been hunkered down in the salt mines this week. See what happens when you don't come up for air, other than turning blue? Very interesting to see just how one little necklace (very pretty by the way) is made. I would have never guessed it took so much work. I would charge $100 for anything that took that much elbow grease. Probably a good thing I'm not in the business, don't think I'd do too well.

Kanga. said...

I am travelling right now and won't be back in touch for some time, won't have access to a computer. I really enjoyed your blog. Being in the jewellery business myself (I don't make any jewellery) I am impressed with the work put into your hand-stamped pieces and the quality of all of your pieces on Etsy. Good luck!
Kanga from OZ.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the demo!

thenextarrow said...

i really enjoyed this. thank you so much for sharing. the necklace is beautiful!

xo Alison

Unknown said...

I have had meals that were prepared in your kitchen - you didn't serve me any of that stuff next to the bananas did you??? Just kidding Ms. Jeanette - you are not only a talented metalsmith, but you are also an amazing cook! I love your blog, but it makes me miss you more - I don't like being so far away! But, you did remind me that in 4 years we will be empty nesters and we can come home!

Keep creating lady - you too are changing the world with your beauty!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Aw shucks Dani, you make me blush. We miss you guys too.

Anonymous said...

So cool! I don't think I will be trying this anytime soon but I will be entering the giveaway! xo

thingsIlove said...

WOW!! Thank you for sharing, this is great!

Maria said...

In honor of what is usually entitled "Things I Love Thursday" on this blog - I would just like to say that the Everton Terrace Etsy shop and all that is contained there-in, is on my list of things I love (as is their artisan)

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Thank you sweet Maria. I kind of suspended our usual posts this week for the giveaway. Everything will be back to "normal" next week. I should put my 4 lovely ladies on Thursday!

Anonymous said...

loved seeing the process!!!


pamela said...

holy cow! that is a lot of work. congrats to the winners!

b.t.w. i found the MANGO at TJs and have devoured 3 bags. love them.