
four lovely women...

As usual, my four favorite women send us a snapshot from their little corner of the world.
Mother has a substitute because she is still in England and Friend and Cousin are sending theirs in from vacation as well. 

Let's all have a great week!

Seattle - daughter.
"Opened in 1954, this cash and walk-up window only Seattle hamburger landmark
 is in my new neighborhood"

Sedona - father .
"Our dog Daisy, coming up our driveway"

Aliso Viejo - friend (on vacation in Arizona last week).
"The chandelier in the lobby of the Phoenix Art Museum"

St. Augustine - cousin (on vacation in South Carolina last week)
"Going to Pancky-doo Heaven with Nana"

More from friend's visit to Phoenix coming up in just a bit...


Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Lovely- we were at the Phoenix museum last year and my monkeys almost crashed right into this sculpture- so much for trying to culture them!

Maria said...

Funny - the first and last are eating, we have sweet Daisy taking herself for a walk, and what I think looks like a giant Dandelion - how fun! MJM - I want to wander over to your eating establishment with you!

Stephanie said...

Great photos! I just found your blog and love it! Will be following :) Have a great week!

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Fantastic shots! That pancake house is sounding pretty good about now, too!

bronwyn said...

Yes, let's! Happy Monday!

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Gorgeous chandelier! Also, adorable doggy!

Jillian said...

I would love to go to that museum.

Another fabulous post to start the week!!!

Beatnheart said...


MJM said...

The burgers are delicious! I love when some of the photos are the same.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

FUN post! Curious to seeing some more.... Have a great week Jeanette, sending you lots of Dutch Joy xx

Anonymous said...

It's awesome you have the participate in photos every week. I'm not sure I could get people to do that for me!!

MaiPie said...

I love that chandelier! Finding inspiration through nature is beautiful.

pamela said...

i love that little doggy! now how does she get into any trouble.
we have a pancake house not too far. i definitely want to try it out. do they have crepes?
who is dick?