
tag, i'm it...

The sweet and inspirational Claire, over at Bicoastally, tagged me with this "The Versatile Blogger" award.  Isn't that nice and kind of fun? 

The rules are: Share seven things about yourself, and then tag 15 blogs.   I think it's kind of hard for bloggers to come up with things we haven't discussed already but I'll try.

1.  I have been in the audience for American Idol and The Price is Right - and I don't even live in California.

2. One time I was raving to the check-out guy at Trader Joe's about the chocolate filled croissant samples they had in the back of the store.  Went on and on about them and he just kind of ignored me.  When I got to the car I noticed I had chocolate ALL OVER MY FACE.  He must have been trying not to laugh the whole time.  I shouldn't be allowed outside my home, I really shouldn't.

3. I was voted "most accident prone" and "best dresssed" in my senior class - correlation? (ps - I'm currently wearing very old sweats with a mysterious stain on them, things change).

4. My favorite movie is The Philadelphia story with Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart.

5. I'm 43 and I've never had a cup of coffee - yuck.

6. I love the smell of vanilla when I'm baking but I hate it in beauty products.

7. I once realized, after walking all the way across a huge parking lot in the middle of Phoenix summer, that I hadn't paid for a case of soda that was on that bottom part of my shopping cart.  I COULD NOT walk through the heat again so I vowed to pay for it on my next trip.  I never did and I think of it every time I go to Target.  Thank you for letting me get this off my chest.  Please do not call the authorities.  I'm sorry Target I'll pay you next time (no, I probably won't, if there were a #8 it would be - I lie to Target).

I am supposed to tag 15 bloggers but I just don't like putting pressure on people so I'm tagging all of YOU.  In the comments section - leave one fact about yourself.  Whatever you want.  I can't wait to read them!

Don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY - ends tomorrow.


Tess Kincaid said...

LOVE the Trader Joe story. I thought only those things happened to ME!

Chris said...

I have seen(at the cinema) GI Blues 19 times. Once made one of my school friends sit through the performance twice. I was an Elvis fan cant you guess:0)

Jillian said...

Oh my gosh you crack me up.

Let'see what to share.

I really miss those block buster commercials with the guinea pig. They were the only commercials that I actually watched all the way through without changing the chanel.

OneCraftyFox said...

PS Totally agreed on the vanilla thing!

OneCraftyFox said...

Congrats on the award!! You're a funny girl :)

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Ooh, I also love the Philadelphia Story - fantastic choice! And one fact about me? Let's see - I'm hungry. Like, really hungry. But I'm trying to wait until 12 for lunch. I'm sorry that's not a more interesting fact, but sadly I can't think through my hunger.

Andrew H. said...

I guess an interesting thing about me is that I've never had a headache. Don't know what one feels like. :-)

MJM said...

An interesting fact about me? I hate sandwiches. All kinds, no hesitation. My poor mother had quite a time crafting school lunches for me as a child (and through high school, yes I'm a little spoiled).

Anonymous said...

love it! Random facts are awesome!

random fact: I'm allergic to sheep wool and yet I raise them :) But when I used to show them, I would have the softest red skin on the planet! :)

D&D said...

i cannot believe you've never had coffee!!!

Anonymous said...

I am chuckling at the vision of you in Trader Joes!!

(Nantucket in the winter? Just like New England... COLD)! Not sure you could take it after Arizona!!

A fact about me: I LOVE your blog! xo

Laura said...

Thanks for the chuckle, this post was awesome!
Fact about me - I love conspiracy theories and usually end up believing that "it could have happened".

La Dolfina said...

that is an awesome list... you sound like my kinda girl!!!
So happy to have found your blog :)

pamela said...

i never knew the accident prone award!
i was given 'most humorous' my senior year, but i am very accident prone myself and i don't find it very humorous!

koralee said...

I love finding out about you!! Fun facts...I do not drink coffee either..double yuck!!!! xoxoxo

Maria said...

I'm a little late - unreliable connection here - but that TJ story had me rolling! Money, I'd have given money to see that!

Random fact - I am a closest pseudo-sci-fi geek (but am very picky about it) not into the scary stuff - just the science and space type stuff). And it seems to be something I only share with my husband and 2 boys - NONE of my friends - thus the closet.