
friday photo...

In keeping with yesterday's post, I'm going to use my daughter's travel  photographs as our Friday photos today.  She took this one in Romania.

I love looking at her photographs when she comes home from a trip.  I like to see the things that strike her.  When I was about her age, I also took a photo of some graffiti I saw while on a trip to New York.  There was a drawing of a baby chick with the words "and her feet were clean, always clean" written undernearth.  I have never forgotten it.

Have you ever photographed or been struck by graffiti?


Joyti said...

What a great bit of graffiti.
There's this design...a tag I guess...of an eye within a triangle pattern that I've seen in a few spots...its rather amazing. And I dont know if you've heard of Oscar Grant (BIG deal here in Northern Ca)...but there's some protest graffiti in which people put up BART (like the subway...only it runs under the bay) tickets with a bloody fingerprint.
Re: your comment @ the tomatoes...I think that removing the seeds makes them taste much better. I personally don't like tomatoes seeds in a sauce.

OneCraftyFox said...

I actually really like graffiti art. Have a great weekend!!

MJM said...

If you didn't catch it, the shadow of the child swinging on the right side of the photo is also graffiti. Romania is a fascinating, beautiful place, and I have to say, the most interesting graffiti I've ever seen.

Jillian said...

I took a picture of graffiti in San Juan, not becasue it was artsy or pretty, it was just really really funny hahaha

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Awesome photo. I'd have been like your daughter and taken that photo as well!

koralee said...

Oh I love graffiti...my daughter has taken many photos as well of graffiti. She even took some Grad. photos of her and a friend with some in the background. As long as there is no bad language! I guess it is not so good if it is your wall that is being mucked up! Art graffiti is amazing.

Hugs for a great weekend.

Andrew H. said...

Never have. This is certainly more interesting than the graffiti we get in AZ.

It is fun to see what photos come back. MJM has a nice eye (like her mother).

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

I love love love graffiti. It is (well, after the Newseum) my favorite thing in all of D.C. Okay, maybe also the monuments and the Smithsonian. And Ben's Chili Bowl. And the Black Cat.

KR said...

I like that. I have never taken a pic of graffiti however I have a couple of pics taken in England of interesting, to the point, strategically placed, homemade signs! :)

Merisi said...

This is such an interesting image!
I would love to know more about the story or reason behind this haunting graffiti.

(I read your comment on Corey's blog and had to come over and check where you are living. *giggles* I love Phoenix and the Four Corner area in general, I wished I could come and visit you!)

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I remember one sign in particular - we should post that one!

KC said...

Maybe the prettiest graffiti I've ever seen. I like the little child on the swing next to it as well. They seem to go together.

Maria said...

I agree with KC - to me they seemed to go together as well. I took photos of graffiti while I was in Budapest, Hungary. Unfortunately, it was in a very run down part of town and the "art" that had graced the walls of that area just seemed to make it seem more sad. Picture worthy, none-the-less.

sarah said...

stunning! the idea that this was found in a place, where they have only recently been offered freedom of thought....and this is what they choose to think about......awesome! no graffiti here....that's how it is living off the map... best photo yet is the full moon reflected on love lake at sun set (i'll share it on my blog) i refuse to have anything to do with civilization... but i am loving experience by proxy! thx jeanette! (;

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

I am a huge graffiti fan. I think it speaks so much about the culture of a place. Whenever I travel I dedicate time to photographing graffiti and will seek areas that generally have an abundance-

Love the girl on a swing.

It really struck me that you enjoy seeing the things your daughter has seen-

Claire Kiefer said...

I love graffiti. It's all over here in the Bay Area. I did a project on public art/graffiti in grad school, and took some mural tours/explored lots of local street art, and it was incredible. I really appreciate public art and think graffiti is HOT!