
have a great weekend...

I'm sure many of you will be busy getting your holiday shopping, decorating, baking etc. together this weekend - I sure will.  The daughter is coming home in FOUR days so Andrew Henry and I are going to be busy little elves this weekend.  I'll leave with the some vintage Christmas post cards to get you in the spirit...

See ya'll on the flipside and don't forget to enter my necklace giveaway!


Diana Mieczan said...

Have a wonderful weekend, my dear. Those vintage cards are beautiful..I used to collect cards like that:)...Kisses

Anonymous said...

Love these... so pretty!! xo

Maria said...

My favorites are the ones with the little cottages and church. Love those little scenes - want one for my very own - the cottage - not the card :-D

Happy Weekend Everyone - don't let the hustle and bustle set you on edge - instead let all that commotion energize you! :-D Love this season!

Jude said...

These are absolutely wonderful! I love postcards (I had a lifetime's worth collected until recent move, when I was tragically forced to ditch some - sob), and even more special when they're vintage! Hope you get some R&R amidst the busy! :)

Jillian said...

Have fun with your daughter!!!

PS I think you are going to love the letter I posted today!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Happy weekend lady!

Decor To Adore said...

Ah, you are a dear. I so need this inspiration.

Beatnheart said...

Darling girl, enjoy this special time with your family. Enjoying our weather...we have fog and drizzle, but still 60 degrees. sweet! I’m off to the Costa Mesa bead show...damage control!!!

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

Have a wonderful weekend! I'm sure you'll make her feel extra special during the visit.

Andrew H. said...

Very cool. Can't say I've seen these before.

Have a great weekend all.

lisaroy said...

I've always loved vintage postcards - they'd make pretty ornaments if just tied with ribbon to the tree :)

quintessence said...

Just love vintage cards! I have 2 coming home this week (2 already here) so I've got a lot to do before the onslaught!! Not to mention today is my little one's birthday - so off to cook her favorite dinner!

KR said...

Beautiful old postcards! Love the snow scenes. Me too Maria...a cottage by the sea!
Wonderful weekend everyone!

Unknown said...

Awww, I know you're excited! XX! Have a great weekend Jeanette!

Punctuation Mark said...

have a great weekend and enjoy!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I hope you're having a lovely weekend! I'm gearing up to start my baking tomorrow!

Kellie Collis said...

Hope your weekend's going well! Kellie xx

Stacey said...

Love these vintage cards and i know you must be so excited about the soon homecoming of your daughter! Hope you're having a great Sunday! XX

Nicole said...

those are great finds! I love vintage stuff, reminds me of a simpler time!