

My last Pagoda post about our remodel covered our living room and this would normally be a post about another one of our rooms but it isn't - well not a whole room anyway.  We are making great strides in turning a spare room into a studio space for me.  In doing so, I decided to empty out the closet in another spare bedroom that I had been using to store some craft supplies, gifts, wrapping paper and the like and move them into my new studio closet. 

This is what that closet looked like when I opened the door...

Well, not exactly what it looked like because I couldn't get the door all the way open, had to kind of shimmy some things out first - so there was even more in there!  How does this sort of thing happen in 2 years?  What is all that stuff?  Heaven only knows.  I started to pull it out and here's the first little tin I opened...

Oh brother.  I don't stamp, never did except a little project here and there.  I think "well maybe I'll use them sometime for something or another" so I keep them.  Here's the thing - I won't.  I'm keeping a couple (but I don't really know why) and the rest are getting bagged up for Goodwill (unless you want them then please email me and they are yours friend).

There is a bag of vintage slide holders that fell out when I opened the door.  I thought I could do something with these, make little frames or something I don't know...

Ridiculous - out they go.  The closet is getting emptied and it feels good.  Okay, all that has really happened is that red stuff on the floor has been thrown out and the stamps are bagged up but I'm on my way.  Anybody want an old cigar box full of vintage thread?  I can't even sew for pete's sake!  More ridiculousness.

Remember if you own things that you cannot part with then perhaps they own you.

Stamps have been claimed by Felicity first thing this morning but don't worry I found another treat and will be giving it away tomorrow!


Felicity said...

I've got my hand up for the stamps Jeanette but perhaps instead you could hold a giveaway.

Can't wait to see the end result of all of this 'fun'!

Felicity x

Maria said...

Home-school central over here will take whatever you care to send, thread included (the cigar box would be confiscated by a certain little guy who keeps "special" things in them LOL).
I love those clear storage boxes with little drawers! I have one of those in our little closet - I have to be able to see what is in them or I forget I have it and buy more, and then, well.......I'll have to clean out my closet!

Since it is now 85 degrees here daily, you have now inspired me to do some early spring cleaning!


jandjhome said...

You are inspiring me to get to my closets. They are busting at the seams. It's really incredible how stuff builds up. I think you should do a giveaway. Could be fun.

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Oh, I have a few items myself that I thought I would do something with and years later they are still collecting dust. Way to take action, girl!

quintessence said...

Can't tell you how many spaces I have like this!! Scary. Keep meaning to get to them but between blogging, social media and new consulting client (not to mention normal life), I keep pushing it off. So jealous you're making progress.

KR said...

I purge year-round but inevitably there are those things which "I might need later". Your post has me thinking it's time for a thorough cleanout!

MJM said...

I'm now all about not keeping keeping stuff. You know there's a quote about that...

"Possession is proved only by giving. All that you cannot give, possesses you."

Jillian said...

Jeanette I was craving a pagoda post haha

have a great day!

k said...

i am so so like you...and you're stressing me out throwing these things away because you're going to need them right when they are gone!!!! i'm trying to think of a use for the spools. they are pretty! but i shouldn't, esp if we are moving soon, haha :)

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Oh but everything looks so fun!

angryparsnip said...

I Love cleaning out closets. They usually are small enough where your can clean out and finish the job in a day or two and feel great about it.

When I first moved into this home after doing basic move in stuff, I cleaned and set up my bed room and clothes closets.
Best thing I ever did. After cleaning unpacking everyday when I walked into my room it was my one oasis in turmoil. My closet still looks good and I love it. Need a new light though.

cheers, parsnip

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun, I love organizing and pairing things down. :-)
I hope you enjoyed yourself!!
xxxx Emily

PS- Thank you for supporting EL Vintage honey!
Enjoy the belt. xx

French Basketeer.com said...

You are an inspiration! It's so hard to tackle that clutter and stuff; what I really love though are the comments of those that will use the "stuff"....so good to find a home for stuff vs so many people who just throw it in the trash.

this free bird said...

I can so relate to seeing a cluttered coset and the relief that comes from cleaning it out. It really does give validity to that whole feng shui thing!

Just throw em out and don't look back!


La Dolfina said...

Oh Jeanette you are so funny and so honest. I love that! I especially love your admonition about your things owning you!!! What a great truth and food for thought. I applaud and support you in your efforts to purge. I'm beginning to sell a lot now and am becoming more addicted to selling than acquiring! The best way to purge and help put my son through college at the same time!!
Sorry I haven't been round much.
I've missed Everton Terrace and The Pagoda!!!

Diana Mieczan said...

You are doing so good. I probably should sort out my office closet too. Good inspiration, sweetie. Thanks:) Kisses

RockinJ9designs said...

makes me want to go through all my stuff. I remember hiding a 50 dollar bill on myself so I could find it in the future and be really excited-it worked!

Stitchfork said...

LOL - you could be describing my stash here! Going to follow your lead!
xo Cathy

Stacey said...

I wish i could use those spools for something. Such treasures you discovered in your closet. How about that chandelier-parting ways with that?:-). I'm looking forward to what the end result will be. Happy Wednesday! XX

koralee said...

Tee hee...I have many many things that own me!!! Have fun...I love organizing. xoxoox

the chirpy bird said...

Ahh yes, wise words my friend!
xx tash

Anonymous said...

I should be doing that right now - also last year's tax return. Here I am sitting at the computer instead. Queen of Procrastination, that's me!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Want to come do my linen closet next? HAHA

Decor To Adore said...

I am currently going through my home and the excess is ending up in the garage for a sale.

It feels good.

Julie said...

love this post. It's so much like me. I have the vintage threads, the collection of stamps that I never use...... I'm inspired to move on and get rid of it so I can find what I'm really looking for.