
the call of the sea...

The sunset at Coronado beach last week.
 In the past 19 days I have only been home for about 3 or 4 days.  It reached 121 while I was gone.  Obviously I didn't want to come back but I have shops to tend and I don't like being away from Andrew Henry for more than a couple days at a time, I kind of like him.

Each place has positives and negatives.  During summer I remind myself that Phoenix is glorious for 8 months of the year, just glorious, and most people do not get 8 months of continually wonderful weather so this is why suffer through the brutal heat.  I was born here and sometimes dream of a different lifestyle, wondering if I could be brave enough to dig my roots up and plant myself somewhere else, I don't know if I am.  My grandmother left her native Ireland and moved to England, my mother left her native England and made a life here in the US.  My gallavanting daughter has left Arizona and lived New Orleans, Seattle and currently D.C. just between the ages of 18-25.  She even went to Seattle and D.C. without knowing a single soul, so brave.

I'm happy here with my quiet life where I never have to deal with snow, my sweet husband and I playing Racko over our breakfast and the hummingbirds outside my window.  I'm quite certain I'd be happy just about anywhere but you know, an ocean breeze can be quite seductive.

Have you ever moved far away to somewhere you didn't know anyone?


Anonymous said...

I never have moved far away alone. Too scary. Your daughter is indeed brave. Jeanette, I hope you have central air at least. xo

Stacey said...

I have moved far away with the hubby, but not by myself. I think i could easily feel at home in Phoenix too, after all i am a native island girl and love the feel of the ocean breeze... Good luck to your daughter. XX

Anonymous said...

Many times, mostly work related. Then as a couple it was where "we" didn't know anyone. I'm not the world's greatest extrovert so it can be hard.
I hope my daughter will be O.K in Germany where the only person she'll know in the entire country will be her boyfriend.

jandjhome said...

I've never moved. Stayed home for college (financially made sense) and moved 5 minutes away from my parents when I got married. I have an amazing family, incredible parents and my 3 sisters are my best friends. I'll get my fix of being away from traveling, for now, I'll stay here with my best friends.

Maria said...

You know I have. Headed to Atlanta alone after college. Then it continued with the hubby, and now somewhat as a family. But you know of our nomadic tendencies.

There is something to the call of the sea. We have been blessed to have it so close to us now for almost 3 years - such an awe inspiring sight - any time of day.

MJM is a very brave girl - and very blessed.

vintch said...

i have not moved far away. i actually live two minutes from where i was raised. home is always home, you know?

MJM said...

I love being in new places... But as has been said, home is always home.

quintessence said...

I think we have all thought of liviing in other places. I have lived for brief times (like summers) in other locations but never permanently. I love the northeast and feel comfortable and at home here. I love your "I kind of like him" comment about your husband - too cute!!

angryparsnip said...

I thought of you when I heard it reached 117, didn't know it got up to 121 !
That is one reason I love Tucson, we are cooler and send you the really huge windstorms. Hope you survived the dust.

I rather enjoy the summer, yes it is so hot here especially in June right before the monsoons come but the summer storms bring the most beautiful clouds, bright blue skies and a slower tempo of life.
All the snowbirds leave and it is just the locals. Plus all the restaurants and shops all have great specials. Of course having air conditioned homes helps.

I have moved three times to cities not knowing anyone. When I moved back to Tucson I only knew my brother, who moved away because of a job. So I knew no one. Grew up here but had been away for 40 years.

I too miss the ocean and my little house by the sea, but I had to move (a divorce) and I was lucky to be able to move to such a lovely city as Tucson.
If you live near the ocean, lots of problems come with that too. Day people leave behind tons of trash, car alarms, screaming families and the 6am divers who slam car doors and greet all their friends loudly while I was trying to sleep....
but that said, I still love the ocean.

cheers, parsnip

bronwyn said...

NO, I have always lived in Northern California and never more than a few miles from the ocean. For a while, I lived half a block from the ocean in a funky little seaside town. Now, I am about 2 miles away. I don't think I could ever live very far from the sea.

121!?!?!?!?!?!? Yikes!! Good thing you were able to get away!

MaiPie said...

Kansas. As it turns out...it's too far from home.