We have had "Excessive Heat" warnings here in Phoenix this week. Record temperatures are being mentioned with expected daytime temp's of 111-116. This is directly from the website of our local newspaper "This heat will be dangerous this week. Drink lots of water, wear light colored clothing, wear hats, and try to stay out of the sun during the hot time of the day between 9am - 6pm".
I think this photo I took of my daughter about 20 years ago just about says it all.
Please don't say 'at least it's a dry heat' because if you do I will reach through this computer screen and unleash some middle age lady fury on you. Thank you and have a nice day.
What a great photo! Keep cool, the storm is coming our way. Twenty years from now she will be so glad she has this memory.
Ha - you are so right. The other day we only got up to 92 with low humidity and the weather man was saying how great it felt outside. Above 90 is hot no matter what the humidity. When does fall arrive for you in AZ? We probably have another good month of superhot temps here.
Middle age lady fury... HAHAHA. And that's pretty hot. Pretty. Hot.
No, it can't be, I have a middle-aged child?!
I love that pic!!! She loved her hats, still does I think.
Not as hot here but 100F and 101F the last 2 days is a heatwave for us and dare I say, "it is definitely a dry heat". Uh oh I see that hand coming through.
hehe, that last bit cracked me up! We've had excessive heat warnings pretty much all summer long. We don't get nearly your heat, but we are very humid, you wouldn't really think that in MO but we are. It's fun. I'm not sure what dry heat is like so I wouldn't say that anyway :)
Thank You for the last sentence... when it is so hot the second you step outside... you start to sizzle ! It is like every tiny bit of moisture is sucked out of your body !
It is always so much hotter in Phoenix than in Tucson. We can be at lest 10 or more degrees cooler but we are getting the same warnings as you are.
Stay inside and work on your new chair design !
cheers, parsnip
P.S. I forgot to say I love the treatment to the photo, a hint of color and those blue eyes! Great work!!
The quote from the newspaper is interesting, "hot time of day 9am-6pm" That is ALL Day almost! Lovely photograph!
Truly wishing I could send some of my cool breezes your way J.
Can you get your head around the fact that I'm in a woolen coat as I type this!?!
I had to do a conversion on my computer for your temps [we work in celcius down here] and phewee that.is.hot!
Hoping that you get some respite soon.
xx F
hahahaha, "middle age lady fury" is hilarious! I won't try to make you feel better about that heat, because frankly it sounds unbearable. :( I think I'd hole up inside with the air conditioner blasting and emerge from my cool cocoon when the weather turns more . . . reasonable. Hope y'all survive!
stay safe!! And that picture is super cute!
Aww my sweet cuz - I surely feel for you...but your middle aged cuz, over here in the east - well, we have us a hurricane a-comin' and prior to its arrival we are enjoying some wonderful breezes that are cooling us down to a tolerable temperature - and then there will be rain...lots and lots of rain! try not to be jealous over there in your dry heat...heh, heh.
What a stunning photo of your daughter
also the one of the figs below.
I'm madly impressed.
love that photo - hope you stay cool! dry or humid - heat is not fun when it gets that hot!!
Dry Heat, Wet Heat, Humid Heat, it all bites. From the humid heat part of the country, going on our 50+ (?) day of over 100..... blech.
you crack me up! I don't want to rub this in but I am in the Sierra mountains in Calif....cool breezes...don't even have air conditioning.
look at her perfect little nails! she is too cute!
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