We did not enjoy the food in China. I don't think it's fair to say the food isn't good because, other than one home cooked meal at a resident's home which everyone seemed to enjoy (I was not eating at that time), we ate at pre-arranged tour group places (think cafeteria type food). It was the same food for lunch and dinner every.single.darn.day. Not enjoyable or very interesting. What was interesting was this very long street food market we visited in Beijing that was only open at night - see this photo with the lanterns - we're talking looong. I was still not eating at this point in the trip but I wouldn't have anyway. I didn't even walk over to it because I was warned. Andrew Henry took these photos for you.
First they lull you in with fresh looking vegetarian looking fare...
then they offer meat that the western people of the world just might recognize (this all grosses me out)...
and they hit you with the full on "you aren't in Kansas anymore" punch.
those are silk worm larvae on the back left and giant scorpions next to them...
they heat this and people suck out the marrow, saw lots of Chinese people eating these...
yes, it is, it absolutely is because what street food market would be complete without testicles on a stick?
Hungry? Would you have tried it all?
This vegetarian did not.
Amazing photos. I can't imagine you having to navigate those markets as a vegetarian. Can't say these photos made me hungry ;)
All those photos are beautiful and totally amazing but as Anna, I'm not really hungry right now...Yikes, I'm pretty adventurous with food but some of those things on the photos I simply couldn't try. Have a great day, my dear. xo
Great photos AH! You were smart to not partake. Definitiely not in Kansas anymore with the selections! And I still vividly remember the smells from those foods.
xo Cathy
OK - not a vegetarian over here, but I must chime in that it didn't make me hungry past the fruit photo...and actually, MANY of those things I have seen Bear Grylls (http://www.beargrylls.com/) eat on Man vs Wild! (One of the dynamic Duo's fave shows http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/man-vs-wild/) and he is demonstrating SURVIVAL techniques - not "Let's go grab a bit at the market" outings!!!! Thanks - but I think I gotta take the big chicken name on this one!
I'm pretty adventurous in foreign countries, but I don't think I could have handled any of the food here. Neat to see in photos though!
A comment our guide made will always be in my memory bank..."If it moves Chinese people say "can I eat that ?"!
Great shots A.H.
Beautiful, amazing and interesting photos.
I think in some regional areas you eat what is around and plentiful. That said Scorpions are plentiful at my home but I'm not rushing out to eat them. Bashas Market is just fine for me.
I do eat street, market, stall food in Japan but I think it is somewhat different from China.
How very controlling you tour was.
With all the wonderful food that China has to offer what a missed opportunity for you and them.
Photos so far have been fabulous but sorry to hear you were so sick !
cheers, parsnip
I wasn't going to try any of that stuff... Not even the veggies because they were within feet of those other things.
I remember when I was watching the Olympics that Bejing offered a bunch of strange foods on a stick. It was very cool getting the chance to see it.
well this started out looking good then turned into gross hahahaha
your images are great but insects are def not part of my menu no matter what... yikes!
Ya know, Jeanette, I'm really an eat-all kind of a girl, but I agree this is beyond. But it says something about the poverty of a country when people are eating the bugs. I remember even in "civilized" Hong Kong getting chickens feet and half a duck. Literally sawed the roast duck right down the middle, beak and all. Nice pics AH...
Wow. I don't even know what to say. Great pictures, but wow.
Gorgeous photos! The crickets scare me but I've heard people say they're very good!
I really think I would starve. Hugs to you my dear friend. xoxo
you gotta give it to them for being so organized!
The pictures of testicles on a stick made me wince. I'm usually not squeamish but, given that I lost my own pair, I guess I can be excused.
OK, it's taking me way longer to catch up on your posts than I meant. No, I would not eat the bugs. I was semi vegetarian when I went to china. I learned how to ask for vegetarian plates and restaurant after restaurant served us a plate of boiled bok choy with oil poured on top. Yum. I actually got sick because veggies have high water content! So I started eating seafood and duck and started liking the food much better. :)
PS - the squiddy things on sticks did actually make me hungry. The testicles, not so much.
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