
andrew henry's world...

This is a glimpse into our past week as seen through the eyes of my husband, Andrew Henry.

Andrew Henry says:  Yes this man is driving an ice chest.  These are the kinds of things I see when I follow Jeanette around the flea market.  Makes for a most interesting day to say the least.

Jeanette says: I wonder if anyone took a photo of me in my sweats and rather unkempt hair?


Felicity said...

Great to see the world though someone else's lens - didn't know driveable ice chests existed.....has it given A-H ideas to convert your snappy new number to a motrorised version?

Happy day!

Diana Mieczan said...

That is a great photo:) Hope you both had a great weekend. xo

C... said...

People make the oddest contraptions.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha. I love him. He's such a good sport!! xo

Stitchfork said...

Sweats and unkempt hair Jeanette don't even come close to a grown man driving a hot pink cooler! Wonder what was in the cooler....
Great shot!
xo Cathy

lisaroy said...

So funny! I'm sure my guy would pick out some of the strangest things at those markets if I gave him a camera too. :)

Karena said...

Jeanette you made me smile this morning!!

There are more Holiday Giveaways to come and several still open!


Art by Karena

MJM said...

Stranger than fiction! Happy Monday, everyone.

Alexa said...

Hahaha. Awesome. That's what my husband would say too. Hopefully no one else's husband is commenting on your sweats and unkept hair. ;)

Maria said...

Maybe this is this man's version of the "husband Chairs" that you see in the ladies' section of department stores - a place for them to sit while they wait, and wait...only at the flea market, his lady is on the move....so he is too LOL!
Either way - all good fun!

angryparsnip said...

So want one !

cheers, parsnip

French Basketeer.com said...

Only in America! This is too funny; great pic!

Privet and Holly said...

Makes one wonder,
how many pics are
we in that we don't
even know about??
I bet the two of you
have fun trolling these
haunts, together!

xx Suzanne

PS: I totally want to copy
you when my daughter goes
to college, except I'll have
HER send me the photo and
I'll match it with a quote. Love,
love that you two do this!!!

Punctuation Mark said...

that is so cool and funky... never seen anything like it!

koralee said...

Adorable. xoxo

KR said...

Haha...almost as unbelievable as those Walmart pics.