
the quiet calm...

I continue to sit in stillness.  
The world is slow and the soft light of winter envelopes me.
I am in the quiet calm of my "break" but tiny sparks are starting to go off somewhere inside me, thoughts and ideas begging to be shared.
I'll be back soon.
I think.

Because there are always a few questions about the images I post - I've shared this one before but I love it so I come back to it time and time again.  Took it in Ireland back in the 1980's.


Beatnheart said...

Hi J...Happy New Year....all the best...I hope you are doing well. I have just signed up for a Mixed Media art class. wow...big stretch for moi but I’m up to it (i think) we’ll see...lot’s to do eh.??? cynth

KR said...

The quiet is nice ...sometimes busyness can also be nice...

Stacey said...

Continue to enjoy your break darling, but i do know those "beckoning wiles" that blogging loves to unleash on us when we're taking a break:-). xx

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Enjoy your break jeanette. Goodness knows we could all use them from time to time !

Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful photo. Enjoy the stillness and quiet calm. Sounds so relaxing.

Linda said...

Miss your posts! But glad to know you are resting, rejuvinating, and enjoying the moments. That will all pay off in ways untold. Creativity awaits around every corner! Hugs, Linda

OneCraftyFox said...

We all need some time to reflect, breathe, and just... be...

Don't stay away too long though, I would miss you far too much.

:) Diana

J said...

Enjoy the stillness... so often we need (but do not make time) to retreat in order to become re-aquainted with calm. J

Maria said...

Me thinks there is something about to stir things up a bit! :-D