
do something...

"If you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done" - Dr. Shaun Marler

Just something that has been on my mind lately - the quote that is, not riding a rocket ship.


Nicole said...

Oh come on, you don't want to ride a rocket ship ;)

angryparsnip said...

Great quote !

I want to ride a rocket ship. Maybe with Flash Gordon or at lest The Jetsons !

cheers, parsnip

Andrew H. said...

I want to ride a rocketship - go up into orbit! That would be awesome.

Love the graphics on that old box!

KR said...

Like the quote.
Trying to figure out what a rocket ship has to do with sewing needles...
Agree with AH, cool graphics!

About Last Weekend said...

Just thinking for me what that might be today. I ride a spaceship everyday but only in my blog masthead...

k said...

makes one think, that is for sure!

Linda said...

What a great quote! Makes me wonder what you might be planning. Something wonderous, no doubt! Sending a hug your way.


ROXY MARJ said...

I love this quote! And I have never heard it before! And the graphics are fantastic, and I am thinking the exact thing your other reader said "what does a rocket ship have to do with sewing needles..." hilarious! :)

rooth said...

Exactly, something that you've never done before. Like eat a half gallon of cookies and cream ice cream in one sitting? That counts right?

Stacey said...

true! i'd love to ride a rocket ship, maybe i could go stealth-like on it to the war zone and steal the hubby away!:-)

Stitchfork said...

Great quote and I think you really need to catch the next ride! I'll watch and hold the needles...
xo Cathy