
tiptoe through the tulips...

Monday seems to be turning in to "take a tour with me Monday".  Perhaps we should call it "Field trip Monday" or "Meander with Me Monday" (I like alliteration).  Don't know yet, I'll let it stew around.  Stew, ha!  I usually take you to a new restaurant but not today - nope.  We're mixing it up, I'm crazy like that.  In fact, there are so many bats in my belfry today, it's not even MY field trip we're going on!  Take a moment, let it sink in, it was a lot of change all at once.

Last week, the daughter went on a field trip.  The boyfriend (who I have not met yet.....it's only been like 6 months and our family in Ireland has met him but not me, no issue with this, nope, not me) drove her a few hours north of Seattle.  Now, she is your typical, stressed out, first year law student, but everybody needs a break once in a while, so she put her books down and went exploring.     

The daughter sent me these photos.  These amazing photos.  A few of them look almost the same, but I was so captivated, I couldn't edit them down.  I wanted you to see them all, just as she sent them to me.  These are real.  This might not take your breath away, maybe you see this sort of thing all the time.  I can tell you, living in Phoenix, I do not.  Shall we visit the Tulip Farms with my very cute, sweet and stressed out daughter?  I say YES.

Feast your eyes!

Did it take your breath away too? 
Have you ever witnessed such a thing?


KR said...

Absolutely gorgeous!
Closest sight for me were the flower farms which used to be in S.Phx. I'm sure there weren't any tulips but the miles of flower fields were a beautiful sight. Sadly, they are now a thing of the past.

Henley said...

Took my breath away yes. Never seen them in person. Just as interesting. You've never met the boyfriend huh? Curious.

Maria said...

Yes - took my breath away - can only imagine the aroma! The colors almost hurt your eyes they are so bright - even on film - Bravo MJM - you've inherited Mommy's gift with the pix!

Closest I've ever come was when moving to Denver, driving through Kansas - there are fields like these of sunflowers - just GORGEOUS!

We will not discuss the boyfriend - that raises my eyebrows a bit (we know you are reading this daughter - hint, hint)

MJM said...

In all fairness, Phoenix is not that close to Seattle, and we don't get a lot of breaks from law school. Maybe the parents should come up here to meet him?

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Yes, MJM you are correct. The parents have just started planning for said trip.

Andrew H. said...

What do they do with these tulips? They look like they are too far along to be snipped and sold...

Claire Kiefer said...

Those are incredible! Tulips are so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Yes, breathtaking. So beautiful!
Hmm, parebts are planning said trip, sounds a bit ominous.

Beatnheart said...

amazing Jeanette...I'd love to see that in person,, right now I'd like to be seeing anything else but here in person..

Anonymous said...

Completely took my breath away. I like the pink and white ones best. I am now wondering the same as Andrew Henry, they look to mature to be cut and sold. What are they for?

Henley said...

I forgot to say this morning, I vote for "Meander with me Mondays". I love going on these field trips. I've never really been to the western US (few business trips to LA etc.) so seeing how you all live over there is quite interesting to me. Even if you do happen upon a place I may have been, you will see it differently than I. My NYC is not my neighbors NYC. I appreciate these tours and vote for more!

Full House said...

Oh you haven't been to the tulip farms just outside of Phoenix:-) ha

simply beautiful. have you seen pictures of the flower fields in southern cali?

Anonymous said...

I hope that we can make it to Holland later this year to see tulip there. they are spectacular.

EWA said...

And look at that color.. perfection.

RockinJ9designs said...

Oh the tulips are beautiful. They remind me of another song (not so beautiful)by TINY TIM yikes!

MaiPie said...

Hooray tulips! They are such a delicate, gorgeous flower. They plant tulips in the flower beds along Boulder's downtown, and its the best time of year no doubt!

I didn't know Kansas had sunflower fields...maybe that'll be my saving grace from architecture school...