I have great powers. I could, quite possibly, be classified as a superhero. I can almost just look at a plant and kill it. My mental powers are so strong that I can block out the extreme disorder here in my studio so that I don't even see it anymore. I think you are all familiar with my well documented scissor skills. You see what I'm saying here? It's hard to be humble when one is so mighty. I just added super sleuth to the list.
I was looking all around for my husband the other day. He was nowhere to be found but as soon as I walked outside I figured it out. I used my mighty powers of deduction and I knew instantly when I saw this...
He was on the roof! I'm good don't you think?
What should my superhero name be?
I think, plant killer master scissor user mess blindness super sleuth is already taken so I'm kind of stumped.
I bet we could arrange the first letter of each of those descriptions and come up with a stellar name! Good thing you didn't think the ladder was just left there, and put it away leaving AH stranded on the rooftop!
xo Cathy
LOL. I'm the same way. And what's worse is I dream of having a garden some day. Why, Inna, why?? My mother-in-law went on vacation recently and we house-sat meaning I had to water her plants and tend to her garden. I can't tell you how many nightmares that gave me :)
Your powers of deduction are unmatched.
Super sleuth indeed! Where did that wandering husband disappear to now? He's like Mr. Magoo.
This is just too funny!I have no comment... and that's just not like me!!!
I love your home. Very Frank Lloyd Wright... love the simple clean lines. So beautiful.... le sigh
cheers, parsnip
OK - after I finished laughing - I took Stichfork's suggestion, then rearranged some words - title and adjective stuff taken into account - and came up with this:
Super Master PK/SU/MB/S
And left it at that b/ as I rearranged to make words, none were nice words, and then, knowing the meanings of the initials - they were then ALL out of order and lost the meaning....
Plus, when you say it fast - it rolls off your tongue in a hip-hop kinda way (LOL)
Yep too much time on my hinds, right?
you are too funny....love seeing pics of your awesome home!
Hahaha. This is awesome. He's not to subtle I guess, right? ;)
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