
she read, she saw...

This is my weekly Friday feature. I send my daughter, who is living in Seattle while she is in school, a photograph I've taken and she sends me back a quote she feels goes with it. So the image is something I photographed that touched me and the words are something she read that touched her. Hopefully, both pieces will be a bit more inspiring as a result...

"Freedom is actually a bigger game than power. Power is about what you can control. Freedom is about what you can unleash." -Harriet Rubin

Side note: The daughter comes home tomorrow (big happy smiles) for a week.  She said she doesn't know why this quote came to her when she saw the image but it was the first one that popped in her mind so she sent it. 
It has me thinking, with her coming home and my dusty parent hat getting a brush off, that it is kind of like parenting.  At first you are in total control of your child, what they eat, when they sleep etc etc. but then you must slowly unleash them to find their own way in the world.  Such a hard thing to do.  I found I was in a mourning period for a while, but then something happens and I think you both feel a strange sense of freedom.  There is perhaps a greater gift in letting go than in holding on.
Happy Weekend, see ya'll on Monday!


Unknown said...

I love this quote! And the picture is perfectly marched. It is portly how I feel every time I go and stroll on the beach - maybe that is one reason why we are there all the time. There is another quote that is very similar in its sentiment - If you truly love something, set it free....
I could not agree with you more.....
Have a lovely WEEK - hugs to MJM from all of us over here.

Maria said...

Whoops- that last comment was from me - didn't realize the hubby was logged in!

Tess Kincaid said...

Wonderful pairing of thought and word! I'm taking this quote back to the manor with me today. Thank you.

Elle Sees said...

this is just so sweet. if i ever have kids, i'm doing this.

k said...

The words about your daughter are so lovely, makes me think being a mom will be alright! (hard, but alright :))

Jillian said...

Jeanette this is yes another beautiful pairing. I hope you enjoy a nice weekend with oyur daughter!!

Thank you so much for all of your great mommy advice!!!

Nicole said...

an interesting quote to go with that photo, but I like it!

Yey for your daughter coming home!!

Diana Mieczan said...

This is such a brilliant quote and the photo totally matches. I love the relatioship you have with your daughter. It seems so warm, wonderful and truly beautiful:) Have a relaxing weekend, my dear
See you Monday!

KR said...

Love the quote and the photo...of course I am a coastline lover.
Wonderful weekend everyone!

Molly Page said...

Such a cool feature.

And this is one of my favorites EVER so I just had to comment. That picture = stunning. That quote = inspiring. Your extra added 2 cents = beautiful.

Thanks so much for this today!!!!

A Foreign Land

La Dolfina said...

Wow, what amazing musings on your part. I'm so understanding that right now! It's all good and right.
Enjoy each other!!
I've missed you and your blog.
I love it here :)

angryparsnip said...

Have a wonderful week with your Daughter. And yes, we must learn how to let go to enjoy an even better time with our children.

cheers, parsnip

pamela said...

have a great visit! wish i could see you gals. thanks for sharing the quote and photo.

Andrew H. said...

Bravo on the quote, photo and passage. Here's looking forward to a week with 'the kid' in town! :-)

Molly Page said...

2 comments... yep, I'm that reader.

But, I wanted to let you know this post made me so happy I included it in my "happy thoughts" post today. :)

Thanks again for the inspiration.

A Foreign Land

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm already worried about letting go and he's only 2. HAHA!

Felicity said...

Living in a household that has been struck by a vomiting and gastro bug this week I find this quote to be poignantly hilarious!
I have visions of me mopping Captain V's brow as he clutches a bowl and whispering this quote, mantra-style to him in a reassuring tone.

Seriously though, I love the sentiment as it relates to my life, the natural world I live in and the fact that I celebrated a birthday on Wednesday. Birthdays always give me pause to reflect on what I've done with the gift of the previous year and what I'm going to do with the coming one - I wonder what freedom I will unleash in the next 362 days?

xx Felicity

PS Soak up every glorious moment with your daughter. x F

Kellie Collis said...

Lovely quote! Have a delightful weekend, Kellie xx

Laurie SF said...

Two hours north by car. Home. It never fails. I immediately lose my independece...as my Mom takes over....even after twenty-four years of living away from home.

I savor every minute of it.

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely time with your dear daughter.x

Vintage Home said...

Have a great week with your girl!

The Weaver of Grass said...

\enjoy your daughter's company

quintessence said...

What a FABULOUS quote - I'd never heard it. And so true. Love the idea of channeling the power from within!

quintessence said...

Beautiful photo and FABULOUS quote - I will most definitely be thinking about this one.

Mug said...

Ever so true and very well said, Jeannette! Perfect analogy!
Have a lovely week!

designchic said...

So very true...love the pairing!!

Joyti said...

Something about the ocean - the wide open seas - makes me think of freedom too. I think the quote works so well with the photograph.

AM said...

perfect quote for a perfect picture. hope you have a wonderful week with your daughter.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, love your daughter's quote and you two are the cutest! Have fun together... I am sure you are thrilled to have her visiting. xo

Stitchfork said...

Another winning pair! Enjoy your visit together!
xo Cathy

OneCraftyFox said...

Beautiful quote and I love your use of context for it!!

Stacey said...

Wonderful quote and i just adore the relationship that you and your lovely daughter share. I'm sure you had a wonderful weekend with her:-).

beachvintage.com said...

Have a wonderful time with your daughter.

Beatnheart said...

Your daughter is one lucky girl to have such a caring , loving mum as yerself.

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

So exciting your daughter will be home for spring break! I'm sure its a well-deserved break after all her studying - UW Law is a great school and I'm sure they work her hard!

Privet and Holly said...

Your words...."There is
a greater freedom in letting
go than of holding on" will
be ones that guide me in the
next couple of years. Loved
both the pic and the words
that your daughter chose to
go with it!
xx Suzanne

bronwyn said...

That was really beautiful, Jeanette. Knowing that you raised such a wonderful person is surly the best gift one could hope for. Have fun with your daughter!